the magic of words

Creative and therapeutic writing courses and groups

I AM ANNAMARI TYPPÖ, Sananhaltija.

I will help you discover the power of words, your own creativity and the courage to live your dreams.

I gained the tools for my profession by training as a creative writing instructor at Snellman Summer University in Kuopio, Finland, from 2015 to 2016, and as a biblio/poetry therapy facilitator at the University of Helsinki Center for Continuing Education HY+ from 2018 to 2019. At the moment, I'm studying to become a biblio/poetry therapist at the same institution, graduating in December 2024.

I hold a Master of Arts degree from the University of Helsinki, where I majored in Estonian language and culture. Additionally, I have studied journalism at the University of Jyväskylä.

Words are good for you.
They encourage.
They nurture.
They structure.

"How can someone write so dully about such an interesting trip?"

My initial foray into creative writing as an adult concluded with these words from a fellow course participant.

The philosophy of the wordsmith

Creative writing online courses | Literary therapy groups | Word art workshops

Low threshold spokesperson

The online courses, groups and workshops are for anyone interested in writing and introspection. No previous writing experience or knowledge of literature is required.

The Gentle Sayer

No performance pressure is felt. In groups and workshops, participants' texts are never assessed or graded. It is the participant's choice whether to read out their texts or to share openly about themselves.

The Caring Wordholder

With a wordsmith, you will travel to the wellsprings of your creativity and dive into the stories of your own life. You will find the path to yourself and your words, according to where you want and need to go. What matters is not the end result but the process - the joy, the nurturing, the experiences and the insights of creative writing and reading.

Principles of the word holder

* Commitment
* Volunteering
* Accountability
* Mutual respect
* Discretion
* Confidentiality
* Equality
* Constructive interaction
* Acceptance

Groups meet online, live in PK / Southern Finland + anywhere on demand.

The best thing about the Word Keeper workshop?

"Great team spirit", "Peace and acceptance", "Open and relaxed atmosphere", "Spirit of sharing", "Small group size and cosy space"

On the trade of the wordsmith

you will find creative writing courses (online/live) and the Writing Ideas for the Year guide. Welcome to check it out!


liberating empowering comforting

Write light feeling