Discover the magic of serenity - unlock yourself and your creativity on a writing retreat

Each of us comes to a crossroads in our life's journey that redefines our story.

Whether it's entering the workforce, becoming a parent or grandparent, struggling with infertility, the challenges of working life, retirement, menopause, coping with grief or rebuilding your life after divorce, these pivotal moments offer an opportunity for self-discovery and creative awakening.

The Magic of Tranquillity writing retreat is designed especially for you who are looking for a moment of serenity in the midst of life's turmoil.

May I introduce myself?

I am Annamari Typpö, your Word Keeper, and I will help you discover the power of words, your own creativity and the courage to live your dreams.

I have received the tools for my work by training as a literary arts teacher at the Snellman Summer University in Kuopio and as a literary therapy teacher at the University of Helsinki's continuing education company HY+. At best, I am studying to become a literary therapist in the same place and will graduate in December 2024. here.

I'm passionate about my work and committed to supporting you at the turning points in your life, as well as at the high points. This retreat is my invitation to you - to find solace in words, to connect with your inner story and to unleash the creativity within you.

My friend and colleague Liisa Laajoki will be the co-director of the Tyyneyde Magic Retreats.

This is how Liisa describes herself:

I am Liisa Laajoki, a literary therapy counsellor and a ceramics and image maker. My relationship with words had become difficult over the years, but in my literary therapy training I found a supportive way to write, free from my own and others' expectations. It took honesty and the courage to go out on my own.

Crossing different ways of expression freed me even more. Sound - movement - images - words, they all feed each other and intertwine. They open a pathway deep into my own feelings and experiences, but also towards lightness and joy. On such a journey I welcome you too!

In literacy therapy groups, the words read, written and spoken touch and create something new, but sometimes those words can also be found through visual and bodily means. On this journey, Liisa is an excellent guide.

Retreats also provide a milieu

The Magic of Tranquillity retreats are primarily aimed at women who are looking for a new direction or content, joy, light and peace in their lives.

They are weekend-long respites in the sensory-rich and tenderly caring environment of the Patruunantalo in Pyhtää, in the grounds of Stockfors Pottery.

During the weekend, you can write about the highlights and pain points of your life, your hopes, dreams and dreams, using a variety of themes and stimuli. The retreat will use literary therapy techniques to help you explore your own life and emotions through writing. Discussion and sharing of feelings, thoughts, experiences and texts are also an important part of the retreat.

Join us in this safe and inspiring space to find your own voice and share your experiences with other like-minded women who are ready to embark together on a path of creativity and self-discovery.

The power of words at life's turning points

They say that change is the only permanent thing in life. Nevertheless, navigating life's many twists and turns can often feel overwhelming. This is where words come in handy.

Writing is an effective therapeutic tool on the journey of life change. Writing allows you to put down on paper thoughts and feelings that might otherwise remain in the recesses of your mind.

When you write, you're not just telling a story, you're embarking on a journey towards a new, more whole you. Writing can help you structure your thoughts, deal with complex emotions and find clarity in the midst of chaos. It's a way to reflect, to understand life's turning points, and ultimately to make peace with them.

This is the feedback I have received from the participants of the previous Magic of the Pacific retreat:

I expected to gain a new perspective on myself through writing and art. This came true, I got a new perspective and I was liberated in a big way, I let go of the past. The retreat also confirmed that I love creative writing. I got more and more excited about it.

[I went home from the retreat] in a wonderfully serene mood, surrendered to all that was wonderful and immensely grateful, moved by tears and amazement. Driving home in the car, I had a good flow, as if I were in a bubble of goodwill. The retreat came at just the right time, moment and need, I was glad to give myself this new and wonderful experience.

The power of writing lies in its simplicity and accessibility. It is a space where you can be brutally honest and where your fears, hopes, dreams and regrets can co-exist without judgement.

Writing helps you deal with the often conflicting emotions that often accompany major life changes. The aim of the Word Keeper Retreat is not to produce perfect prose, but to allow your emotions to flow freely onto the page and help you to understand your own story more deeply.

What happens on a writing retreat?

The Magic of Pacific retreats are designed to offer you a combination of guided activities and personal exploration in a peaceful and inspiring environment.

For the provisional programme of the next retreat, see here.

The wordsmith's magic retreat in Tyyneyde

Imagine yourself writing in a place where you can

  • resting and dreaming with wool socks on and a blanket wrapped around you

  • wake up at dawn in your beautiful mansion room

  • nourish yourself with a root-rich and rich diet, and

  • be free of obligations for the whole weekend with writerly souls like you. 

The magic of the pillow retreats are held in Pyhtää at Stockfors Ruin Patroon Hall. In addition to a milieu that appeals to all the senses, Sananhaltija was enchanted by the Patruunantalo people's way of thinking and the care they take of everything: "Space does not mean just walls, but a mental space to be, to do and to be realised."

The place fits the values of Sananhaltija: the patrons are volunteers of the Kasvajat Association, which means that part of the proceeds of the Tyyneyde Magic retreat are used for mental health work.

Patruunantalo is located almost next to the motorway, but still in complete natural peace on the banks of the Pyhtää branch of the Kymijoki River, an hour east of Helsinki. So getting there is really easy.

In the idyllic and gentle surroundings of the Patroon House, it is safe for you - whether you are an experienced writer or just dreaming of a writing lifestyle - to embark on a journey into the magic of words, guided by the Word Keeper.

How to find the words of your life at a retreat

At the heart of the Magic of Cushion retreats is a commitment to nurturing and unleashing each participant's own creativity. We recognise that we each have a unique voice that wants to be heard. Retreats are designed to help you discover and amplify that voice and the words of your life.

Our retreats use a variety of methods and exercises specifically designed to unlock creativity, explore your own life and self, identify your own resources and increase your well-being.

We often start with free writing, where you can express your thoughts and feelings without inhibitions or self-regulation. This kind of stream-of-consciousness technique helps you leap over the barriers erected by perfectionism and faltering self-confidence.

We will also explore thematic writing, where memories and different life experiences serve as a springboard for creativity. These exercises are not just about writing, but are gateways to imagination and emotions.

One of the biggest barriers to writing is often just getting started. Writer's block and the fear of blank paper are familiar challenges for many. At the Writer's Retreat, you don't have to worry about them, as tried and tested methods, tools and prompts make the pen slip on paper as if by magic.

A safe, gentle and supportive atmosphere also helps to break down barriers to writing. The aim is to build self-confidence and the ability to continue writing long after the retreat.

The group encourages and inspires

The Magic of Cushion Retreat is a place where we not only welcome creativity, but also celebrate it in all its forms. At the retreat, your voice, no matter how weak it may seem at first, will grow to its full power and resonate with clarity and confidence.

One of the most valuable gifts of the retreat is the experience of community. Writing, especially at life's turning points, is a deeply personal journey but also a shared experience that creates opportunities for identification. And that is where the heart of the Magic of the Pacific retreat beats.

The power of a supportive group and shared experiences cannot be overstated. At the retreat, we draw strength and inspiration from each other's stories and shared experiences of joy and vulnerability. The Magic of Tranquillity Retreat, like all of the Sananholder groups, follows the same principlesbuilding a sense of belonging, constructive interaction and listening to, valuing and respecting each participant. 

The magic of the pillow retreat is much more than just a weekend break.

It is an opportunity to break away from everyday life, to find the power and comfort of words and to connect with a community of like-minded people.

Whether you're at a turning point in your life, looking for a new direction or exploring the wellsprings of your creativity, the Magic of Tranquillity retreat will give you the space, guidance and support you need. The words of your life will guide you on your journey.

Going on a retreat?

This year we are organising three Magic of Pacific retreats: in March, June and October.

You can sign up for the next Magic of the Pacific retreat right here.


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