A spokesperson in the media

Articles written about the wordsmith

The inner critic is silenced during a creative writing course in Kuusankoski - Read the tip for an easy writing exercise

Articles written by the wordsmith

Article: children's books no longer stigmatise diversity

Criticism: The diary is a refuge, a therapist and a key to the past

The inner critic is silenced during a creative writing course in Kuusankoski - Read the tip for an easy writing exercise

Reading is not an empathy machine

The past is the past. Three decades of Literary Therapy magazine

Where are you going, literary therapy?

I AM ANNAMARI TYPPÖ, Sananhaltija.

I will help you discover the power of words, your own creativity and the courage to live your dreams.

I gained the tools for my profession by training as a creative writing instructor at Snellman Summer University in Kuopio, Finland, from 2015 to 2016, and as a biblio/poetry therapy facilitator at the University of Helsinki Center for Continuing Education HY+ from 2018 to 2019. At the moment, I'm studying to become a biblio/poetry therapist at the same institution, graduating in December 2024.

I hold a Master of Arts degree from the University of Helsinki, where I majored in Estonian language and culture. Additionally, I have studied journalism at the University of Jyväskylä.