The Magic of Self-Awareness Retreat 22.11.2024-24.11.2024

  • Want to better understand yourself and other people?

  • Do you hope to find new resources and keys to spiritual growth within yourself?

  • Do you need a chance to draw new inspiration and hope from your own strengths?

  • Do you want to get away from it all in a gentle and warm company?

  • Do you want to indulge your senses in an idyllic setting?

If you answered yes, the November retreat of CCCoaching and Word Keeper 22.11.-24.11. is just for you!

The Magic of Self-knowledge Retreat is a weekend-long respite in the sensory stimulating and caring environment of Patruunantalo in Pyhtää, Stockfors Ruins. On a retreat, you are just for yourself, with no strings attached. You can let your creativity blossom - or just wake up - in a restful environment of enneagram, writing and positive psychology.

The Magic of Self-Awareness Retreat will allow you to write about the highlights and pain points of your life, your hopes, dreams and dreams, using a variety of themes and stimuli. In addition to the Enneagram and positive psychology, the retreat will use therapeutic writing methods to help you explore your own life and emotions through creative exercises. Discussion and sharing of feelings, thoughts, experiences and texts are also an important part of the retreat.

What on earth is an enneagram?

The Enneagram is a theory of personality that describes nine different ways of looking at the world, nine different ways of acting and nine different ways of expressing yourself. It is a great tool for self-discovery and understanding difference. Each personality type has its own strengths and developmental points. 

Enneagram theory combines traditional wisdom with modern psychology. The benefits of the Enneagram include identifying one's own strengths, increasing self-awareness, understanding and accepting differences, developing interpersonal and relationship skills, and becoming more compassionate towards oneself and others. It also has benefits in areas such as teamwork, leadership and therapy. 

What is positive psychology?

Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on people's strengths, well-being and happiness, rather than problem-oriented thinking. Positive psychology emphasises the importance of positive thinking and attitudes for human well-being. It explores the factors that contribute to a meaningful life, flourishing and satisfaction in different areas of life, as well as resilience - the ability to cope with and recover from difficult situations and adversity. 

The magic of self-awareness -retreat

  • discover new resources within yourself, develop your self-awareness and discover your own strengths 

  • learn to better understand those close to you

  • strengthen your compassion for yourself and for other people

  • free yourself to write about the highlights and pain points of your life in a guided way

  • you can trust your hopes and dreams and find new resources within yourself

  • experience the thought-clarifying and energising power of the enneagram and writing

  • explore new ways of looking at yourself and dealing with your life and future hopes and ambitions through writing

  • encourage you to try new things and get new ideas

  • get help to work through the pain points in your life

  • enjoy the full treatment you deserve in the charming and dignified old Patronage House

  • if you wish, you can breathe in the peace of nature on the outdoor path leading from your manor house.

  • get encouragement and peer support from other participants

  • you are genuinely free of obligations and can focus on just being, without interruption

  • you do not need previous experience in enneagrams, positive psychology or writing.

What will happen at the retreat from 22.11.-24.11.?

We will meet at Patruunantalo in Pyhtää on Friday evening at 17.00. During the evening we will get to know each other, get in the mood for the weekend and enjoy a dinner together.

Saturday is a workshop day. We will explore the personality types in the enneagram, reflect on our own strengths and stumbling blocks, and explore our own growth paths through discussion and writing. There will also be time for free chatting, sharing and coffee - and time to get out and about, weather permitting. In the evening, there will be the opportunity to take a sauna and play a game of chess.

On Sunday, we will delve specifically into the themes of compassion and self-compassion. The retreat will end with lunch and a final reflection.

During the weekend, you'll get to do a variety of writing exercises that will help you immerse yourself in the highlights and turning points of your life and get to know yourself better.

An important part of the retreat is also the discussions between the participants. However, it is up to you to decide how much you want to share with others. Sharing is never compulsory.

The retreat is suitable for writers of all ages, including newcomers. All you need is an open mind, a notebook and pen or laptop, and casual clothes suitable for moving around. 

Feedback from the previous Magic of Self-awareness Retreat

I liked the variety of lectures and exercises, they formed a good whole.

[I enjoyed] discussions with other participants, improving my self-understanding, writing exercises, swimming in the river.

Writing is a good way for me to vent my thoughts. I learned to better understand why I act a certain way when I learned about my enneagram type.

I hoped to improve my self-esteem and learn something about writing therapy. That came true.

At first I was a bit sceptical about where I was coming from and whether this was for me. But gradually the interesting process took me along. In the end, I was happy to be part of it.

Well organised, the retreat leaders had planned well the teaching and the rest of the programme, the topics of the teaching and exercises were interesting and varied.

Retreat programme (programme is preliminary and will be finalised later)

Friday 22.11.

Arrival and accommodation from 17:00

17.30 Presentation of the Patruunantalo

18-19:00 to get acquainted and get in the mood for the weekend (presentation of enneagram types, writing exercise)

19.30-20.30 dinner

At 20.45-21.15 joint descent to rest

Saturday 23.11.

8.30-9am start (optional)

9-10 am - delicious breakfast

10.00-12.00 workshop (immersion in the enneagram instinct, writing exercises)

12-13 break (possibility to rest and outdoor activities)

From 13-14 soup lunch

14:00-16:00 workshop (delving into the enneagram emotional triangle, writing exercises)

16-16.30 Coffee break

16.30-18.00 workshop (deepening into the enneagram triangle, writing exercises)

18.30-19.30 dinner

At 20-21 sauna and much more

At 21.30-22.00 common landing for rest

Sunday 24.11.

8.30-9am start (optional)

9-10 am - delicious breakfast

10.30-12 workshop (compassion for self and others)

12.30-13.30 soup lunch

14-15 to get in the mood for the future (writing exercise)

Patruunantalo invites you to enjoy yourself

Retreat price

The price of the retreat is based on the breakdown below:


The programme is organised by CCCoaching and the Word Bearer. The price for the weekend programme is €247 (incl. VAT). A non-refundable booking fee of €100 is payable at the time of booking in case of cancellation. Sickness cases will be dealt with separately. The final payment of €147 is due 14 days before the start of the retreat.


Provisional accommodation has been reserved for participants at the Patronage House in Stockfors. The booking details will be forwarded to the Crown Estate by the Promoter. The contract for the purchase of accommodation will be concluded separately with the accommodation provider and the accommodation will be paid for on the spot. Further information will be provided at the time of registration.

Weekend accommodation and full board at the Patruunantalo costs 270 € (incl. VAT) in a shared room. Single room supplement of €30 per night.

The basic price includes:
- accommodation in a shared room
- bed linen and towels
- hearty breakfast
- soup lunch
- dinner
- continuous coffee and tea
- sauna and lots on Saturday evening.

The retreat is suitable for everyone and does not require any prior knowledge. There is capacity for 20 participants.

If you want to join, please click on the button below or send an email to by 15.11.2024.

Shall we get to know each other?

Christina's story - how I found myself

Oh, if only someone had told you who I am earlier! Or even that I'm okay too. Like everyone else. And that just because we're different, doesn't mean we should try to be someone other than what we are. All types are needed.

I'm from the country, a girl child between my two brothers. There were times when I wanted to be a boy because I felt that I was somehow wrong in that society. So I tried to change myself to be accepted.

I did an academic degree, went into the workforce, somehow I found myself in what I thought were masculine fields, maybe it wasn't a coincidence, maybe I was seeking that acceptance then too. It was only in 2016 that my eyes were opened to this feeling of inadequacy when I was introduced to the enneagram.

The Enneagram is a model of nine good but different personality styles. The model shows that each type has its strengths, and also its stumbling blocks. Each also has growth paths. We all have some of these, but only one is our main type. It can take time, maybe even a lifetime, to discover it, or it can be discovered quickly. In the beginning I also misjudged myself, I got my stress type on a test. In hindsight, this is easy to understand because I had been living under stress for many years. Then, as I found my own type and came to understand myself better, I have become more compassionate towards myself and have learned to make choices that support me in my spiritual growth.  

Self-discovery is not always easy or comfortable. Sometimes it's really annoying to notice and recognise your own typical traits. However, it is necessary to stop, become aware, recognise and accept in order to grow as a person. Not only that, it also helps you to understand other people better and to accept differences. At its best, it helps us to pursue the best version of ourselves, when we dare to face our fears and go towards them.

Enneagram training has probably been the best school I have ever been to. It has taught me to accept myself and others in a whole new way. The diversity of people is a richness, and everyone is equal. Including me, and you.    

Hey you!

Welcome to a journey of discovery in your own life! I will help you discover the power of words, your own creativity and the courage to live your dreams.

Ten years ago, my own creativity was locked and my minutes were lost. Then I found myself, somewhat accidentally, in a creative writing workshop.

There, the instructor's simple and liberating writing exercises and listening presence worked wonders. Add to this the gracious and warm spirit of the group and my locks were unlocked. I felt like I was with my tribe, doing exactly what I was meant to do.

I discovered my own voice and the power of writing. But it was also the start of something much bigger.

As a result of that weekend, I studied first as a literary arts teacher at Snellman Summer University in Kuopio and then as a literary therapy teacher at a training organised by the Helsinki University Continuing Education Centre HY+ and the Finnish Literary Therapy Association. I am constantly developing myself and my skills, and I have just started a top-level course in the literary therapy training pathway, which trains literary therapists. 

I've helped hundreds of people of all ages through live groups, workshops and online courses to unlock their creativity, strengthen their mental wellbeing, increase their self-awareness and find their strengths and their own way in life through creative and nurturing writing - without forgetting the joy of creativity and playfulness. 

You too are warmly welcome on this journey to discover yourself and the words of your life.

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