With Love Mum group in Espoo 9.10.-4.12.2024

  • Looking for a new way to deal with the experience of motherhood? 

  • Do you believe in the healing, comforting and inspiring power of words? 

  • Do you feel the need to share your motherhood journey with other mothers? 

  • Looking for a peaceful haven where you can express yourself freely and creatively? 

  • Are you keen to explore motherhood through reading and writing?

Join the With Love Mum group and experience the empowering effect of words!

Becoming a mother is a big change. A new life situation can create uncertainty about your skills, role and identity. Sometimes these issues are still an issue when you are a grandmother. This is not helped by the outside world's expectations and perceptions of what good motherhood is.

The Love Mum group is an exploration of motherhood. It's for you, whether you're a new mum, a creative mum in the emotional turmoil of teenage years, a mum who's just flown the nest with her kids, or perhaps a grandmother.

The group uses literary therapy methods to help you explore your own life and emotions through writing. Discussion and sharing of feelings, thoughts, experiences and texts are also an important part of the process.

In the Love Mum group

  • explore, articulate and unpack the diverse and conflicting feelings and thoughts associated with motherhood through fun, touching and light-hearted writing exercises

  • discover your own strengths as a woman and mother and find new resources within yourself

  • get new ideas and insights to support your life

  • share your thoughts and experiences of motherhood with other mothers

  • you will find the nurturing and joy of words and creativity.

What happens in the Love Mum group?

We meet in Matinkylä, Espoo, at Mirjankuja 4 every two weeks on Wednesdays at 17.30-19.45. The first meeting will be on 9 October and the last on 4 December.

We will do a wide range of writing exercises to work on the themes of motherhood, womanhood and parenthood. We will use a variety of stimulus texts and objects, writing techniques and techniques, and our own memories.

We talk a lot and read and share texts. But it's up to you to decide how much you want to share with others. Sharing is never compulsory. Sometimes it can be enough to share the process itself and the feelings and thoughts it evokes, even if you keep the text to yourself.

No prior knowledge is required to participate in the group. You do not need to know literature or be a skilled writer. A willingness to experiment, curiosity and an open mind are all you need. The group does not use a red pen or criticise texts, but focuses on the emotions and ideas that the texts evoke. Writing is encouraged through small, easy writing exercises.

Feedback from previous mothers' groups

"The most rewarding part was the journey into yourself and the time you gave yourself. Even a small moment of writing can be empowering and go a long way."

"The best part was that my mind was sparkling and the lock on my unwritten life was really banging open."

"The instructor was perceptive, encouraging, just what I expected. Also respectful and gentle!"

"The most rewarding part was the variety and the personal and imaginative nature of the tasks!"

Price and cancellation conditions

Participation in the group costs €187 (incl. VAT 24%).

The group is closed and can be registered via the link below. The group will take place if there are at least four registrations. A maximum of ten participants will be accepted.

Registration is binding and the registration fee will not be refunded in case of cancellation. Cases of illness will be dealt with separately.

If you want to join, please click on the button below or send an email to annamari@sananhaltija.fi by 2.10.2024.

Hey you!

Welcome to a journey of discovery in your own life! I will help you discover the power of words, your own creativity and the courage to live your dreams.

Ten years ago, my own creativity was locked and my minutes were lost. Then I found myself, somewhat accidentally, in a creative writing workshop.

There, the instructor's simple and liberating writing exercises and listening presence worked wonders. Add to this the gracious and warm spirit of the group and my locks were unlocked. I felt like I was with my tribe, doing exactly what I was meant to do.

I discovered my own voice and the power of writing. But it was also the start of something much bigger.

As a result of that weekend, I studied first as a literary arts teacher at Snellman Summer University in Kuopio and then as a literary therapy teacher at a training organised by the Helsinki University Continuing Education Centre HY+ and the Finnish Literary Therapy Association. I am constantly developing myself and my skills, and I have just started a top-level course in the literary therapy training pathway, which trains literary therapists. 

I've helped hundreds of people of all ages through live groups, workshops and online courses to unlock their creativity, strengthen their mental wellbeing, increase their self-awareness and find their strengths and their own way in life through creative and nurturing writing - without forgetting the joy of creativity and playfulness. 

You too are warmly welcome on this journey to discover yourself and the words of your life.

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