(T)time travel of stories - autobiographical writing course 21.9.2024-24.5.2025

  • Want to know how you became you?

  • Do you want to relive the turning points in your life and get to know yourself and your loved ones better?

  • Do you want to save your memories for those who come after you?

  • Are you hoping to get feedback on your texts?

  • Do you need a framework and posture for your writing?

  • Do you need community and peer support?

If you answered yes, you are welcome to join us on a (t)time travel of stories!

The (t)time travel of stories is a nine-month journey into yourself and your life. During the course, you will also learn to better understand those close to you and, if you wish, package your life story into a complete work under the guidance of a Word Keeper.

The course includes three personal, half-hour Zoom meetings with the instructor and a written statement on one version of the manuscript or texts of your choice (the number of which will be agreed later). If necessary, you will also receive editorial assistance from me (additional fee).

The (t)time travel of stories allows you to write about your own life, using a variety of themes and stimuli. The course uses literary therapy methods to help you explore your own life and emotions through writing. Discussion and sharing of feelings, thoughts, experiences and texts are also an important part of the course.

On a (t)time-travel of stories

  • get the framework and posture to support your writing

  • use a wide range of tools to brainstorm, collect themes and evoke memories

  • compile the first version of your autobiography if you wish

  • experience the power of writing to clarify your thoughts

  • discover a new way of dealing with your emotions and learn how to process your life and memories through writing

  • discover new resources within yourself, develop your self-awareness and discover your own strengths 

  • encourage you to try new things and get new ideas

  • get help to work through the pain points in your life

  • get encouragement and peer support from other participants

  • you don't need previous writing experience.

What happens on the (t)time travel of stories?

The trip starts with a joint day retreat in Espoo on Saturday 21.9.2024 (or a substitute long-distance retreat on a date to be agreed separately). During the day, you will get to know the instructor and other course participants, pick up some possible writing jams and start your autobiographical writing journey.

We will also meet for a five-hour day retreat (or a distance retreat to be arranged) at the midpoint (Saturday 25.1.2025) and at the end (Saturday 24.5.2025) of the course.

The other joint meetings are three-hour Zoom workshops held once a month on Wednesday evenings.

Between the meetings, you will be able to do activities that support and promote your own writing process. your writing process. These will be supported by a range of tools, such as question matrices and a background reading list.

In addition to the joint meetings, the course includes three personal, half-hour Zoom meetings with the instructor and a written statement on one version of your manuscript or texts of your choice (the number of which will be agreed upon later).

During the nine-month course, you'll get to do a wide range of writing exercises that you can use to explore your own life or gather autobiographical material. We will use a variety of stimulus texts and objects, writing techniques and techniques, and your own memories to help you.

There will also be one author visit and information on self-publishing.

An important part of the course is also the discussions between the participants. However, it is up to you to decide how much you want to share with others. Sharing is never compulsory.

The course is suitable for writers of all ages, including beginners. All you need is an open mind, a notebook and a pen or notebook. 

Timetable for the (t)time travel of stories

The dates of the joint meetings of the (t)time travel of the stories:

Sat 21.9.2024 at 10-15 am start retreat in Espoo

* getting to know each other, tuning in, sparking creativity, starting an autobiographical journey

Wed 30.10.2024 at 17.30-20.30 workshop in the Zoom


Wed 27.11.2024 at 17.30-20.30 workshop in the Zoom


Wed 18.12.2024 at 17.30-20.30 workshop in the Zoom


Sat 25.1.2025 at 10-15 am Day Retreat in Espoo

* me and others
* family tree

Wed 26.2.2025 at 17.30-20.30 workshop in the Zoom


Wed 26.3.2025 at 17.30-20.30 workshop in the Zoom


Wed 23.4.2025 at 17.30-20.30 workshop in the Zoom


Sat 24.5.2024 at 10-15 am Day Retreat in Espoo

* hopes, dreams and writing: where to go from here
* building a whole
* self-publishing

In addition to the joint meetings, the Stories (t)time travel course includes.

  • three one-to-one Zoom meetings with a facilitator (duration 30 min)

  • a written statement on one version of the manuscript or texts of your choice (number to be agreed later)

  • regular mid-term assignments and a range of tools to support your writing

  • one author visit and information on self-publishing

  • a common discussion forum for participants to connect between meetings and provide peer support.

Price and cancellation conditions for the (t)time travel of stories

The full package costs €1 497 (incl. VAT 24%) and can be paid in one, three, six or nine instalments. The number of instalments does not affect the price.

The course will take place if there are at least six enrolments. In the event of cancellation of a course, we will endeavour to inform the enrolled participants in good time.

Registration for the course is binding. Enrolment can be cancelled free of charge if cancellation is made by the last day of enrolment. Cancellations made after this date will be charged 50% of the registration fee. If the cancellation is made without prior notice, the full fee will be charged. A participant may be replaced by another participant at no extra cost.

If you want to join, please click on the button below or send an email to annamari@sananhaltija.fi by 13 September 2024.

Hey you!

Welcome to a journey of discovery in your own life! I will help you discover the power of words, your own creativity and the courage to live your dreams.

Ten years ago, my own creativity was locked and my minutes were lost. Then I found myself, somewhat accidentally, in a creative writing workshop.

There, the instructor's simple and liberating writing exercises and listening presence worked wonders. Add to this the gracious and warm spirit of the group and my locks were unlocked. I felt like I was with my tribe, doing exactly what I was meant to do.

I discovered my own voice and the power of writing. But it was also the start of something much bigger.

As a result of that weekend, I studied first as a literary arts teacher at Snellman Summer University in Kuopio and then as a literary therapy teacher at a training organised by the Helsinki University Continuing Education Centre HY+ and the Finnish Literary Therapy Association. I am constantly developing myself and my skills, and I have just started a top-level course in the literary therapy training pathway, which trains literary therapists. 

I've helped hundreds of people of all ages through live groups, workshops and online courses to unlock their creativity, strengthen their mental wellbeing, increase their self-awareness and find their strengths and their own way in life through creative and nurturing writing - without forgetting the joy of creativity and playfulness. 

You too are warmly welcome on this journey to discover yourself and the words of your life.

Your messenger


With Love Mum group in Espoo 9.10.-4.12.2024